Search Results
Talk - Bruce Eckel: Making Data Classes Work for You
Talks - Bruce Eckel: Rethinking Objects
Exploring Functional Programming in Python With Bruce Eckel | Real Python Podcast #116
Talks - Bruce Eckel: Functional Error Handling
"Polymorphism Unbound" by Bruce Eckel (Strange Loop 2022)
Bruce Eckel - A Language is More Than a Language
Data Classes, in Python 3.6 and beyond by Alexander Hultnér
Bruce Eckel & James Ward — A Tour of the Modern Java Platform
SF Scala: Bruce Eckel, Rethinking Scala
Pyconbrasil2008 - Why I love Python - Bruce Eckel - Sat - 18-09-2008
Intermediate Python - Dataclasses
Book speedrun: Thinking in C by Bruce Eckel - September 2022 - 4f819b81